#JUGL meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month


Looking for Help

Joomla! is a vibrant community with lots of places to get help.  Joomla! enjoys a global audience and has had more than 110 million downloads.

Joomla! Stack Exchange is a place where you can ask Joomla! questions, kind of like a forum, but people vote the answers so the highest ones float to the top.  People get points for right answers and you get points for asking questions.  It's currently in beta and we really need more questions to get it to be a main site. So you're actually helping by asking your questions here.
Visit JSE

Contact Joomla! London

We love helping other users and we love Joomla! Any work we do for Joomla! London is not paid by or endorsed or associated with Joomla! If you want free help, the above sources will offer you either a premade answer or faster and more help than we can offer you. They are manned by more people with a diverse skill set and knowledge base. Plus, any question that is answered is there for other users to find, which really helps the Joomla! community. If you're still stuck, we encourage you to bring your problem to a meeting and we'll try to help you. If you really don't have time to do any of those things or you'd rather just pay an expert, feel free to reach out.

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