This module displays customised VirtueMart Products with a Countdown timer. Best way to show your discounted, onsale, new or upcoming products on your VirtueMart based Joomla! webshop.
- Responsive design
- Options to select any desired date and time to count.
- Customisable countdown label.
- Custom background, border and text color chooser to match with your current template.
- Custom padding, margin and text align to match with your current template's product listing style.
Enable show/hide box shadow on hover.
Option to set maximum number of products to display.
Option to set number of columns to show on large Desktop, Desktop, Tablet, large and small Mobile devices.
Show products from all VirtueMart categories or from one or more categories.
- Show products from all VirtueMart brands or from one or more brands filter by all or selected categories.
Show only your own selected products.
Show products ordered by Randon, Most recent, Top sales, Availability date, Rating scores, Votes, Hits.
- Options to show only Sale price or Base price and sales price when discount applied to the product.
- Option to show/hide Add to cart button.