Official Joomla! Announcements
With the LoginSecure Custom Code extension, it has never been easier to apply custom code to your website. By utilizing Joomla's native module structure you can now add any type of CSS/JS/HTML to your website and only on the pages you need.
Extension features are:
Inside < head >
Add JS or CSS directly inside the < head > tags of your template.
Just before < /body >
Sometimes it is preferred to add that little bit of JS just before the closing of the < /body > tag. It works also really well for HTML.
Inline coding like a champ
When you just need a bit of custom code, right at a specific spot. Then just use the inline settings and add your HTML, CSS or JS. This code will then be rendered at the location of the module.
RokPad Editor
This extension automatically adapts itself in case you have the RokPad Editor installed. This editor makes it so much easier to write code in Joomla. Combining it with the LoginSecure Custom Code extension was only the natural thing to do.
Multiple modules on one page
This extension is made in such a way that you can add multiple
of them within the same page.
Each module is completely standalone!
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With the LoginSecure Google Font extension, you can add Google Fonts to your website. Use as many fonts as you wish and only on the pages that you need them. Usable in all frameworks and page builders.
Extension features are:
Google Fonts
Select any of the fonts present in the widely used Google Fonts Library. Include them with ease in any of your existing or new webpages.
Joomla Module Functionality
An extension like this is generally expected to be a plugin. But
we decided to make it a module instead.
Therefore it can be added anywhere you want with Joomla's
{loadposition} syntax.
Or set the position as debug and assign to specific menu items.
Font Picker
Quickly select any font in the library by using the font picker or search for a familiar font inside the configuration of the module.
Automatic Conversion
Automatically convert the text in any content of your website by
setting up the class inside the module parameters.
For instance: If you want all your page-headers to use a Google
Font then simply select a Google Font and add the class
"page-header" inside the module parameter.
The extension will search for any type of text inputs and convert
those into the selected Google Font.
The following inputs are supported:
- H1-6
- P
- div
- span
- strong
- small
- label
- input
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With the LoginSecure Google Maps + Directions extension enables you to show your visitors where you are located with the world-famous Google Maps. You can allow visitors to get directions via any mode of travel to your location. Included are a lot of options to fully configure every aspect of the map and the controls.
Extension features are:
Full map control
Influence every aspect of Google Maps. You decide which controls are visible to your visitors and you can manipulate the default zoom level. And there is more!
Extra layers to further enhance your map
Set up easily a traffic, transit or bicycle layer that is on top of the map giving visitors in real-time the current usage of the route.
Up and running within minutes
The extension can be set up in under five minutes. Included into the extension is a GPS Generator to find the correct longitude and latitude values. Or just simply fill in your address and set the options on that you want to have on and the extension is set up.
Localisation included
Localization has never been easier. No need to use Joomla's override system as all text can be easily modified within the extension.
Multiple modules on one page
This extension is made in such a way that you can add multiple
maps within the same page and each of them with there own options
Each module is completely standalone!
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With the LoginSecure Smooth Scroll extension, you can stop anchor links from directly going to your assigned area but instead, allow a smooth scrolling effect that will not only please your visitors but it will also look a lot better.
Extension features are:
Smooth Scroll
Smooth Scroll will tie all your internal links to a handler that
will produce a smooth scroll to their target instead of an instant
This works in Firefox, Chrome, Edge, IE10, Opera, and Safari.
Unsupported browsers would just use normal internal link
Joomla Module Functionality
An extension like this is generally expected to be a plugin. But
we decided to make it a module instead.
Therefore it can be added anywhere you want with Joomla's
{loadposition} syntax.
Or set the position as debug and assign to specific menu items.
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This is a free plugin for the JoomShopping online store that allows you to send order data to CRM Bitrix24.
How to use
To send leads to Bitrix24, which allows you to form and work with a client base.
The plugin sends to CRM:
- Name and surname (2 fields),
- Phone,
- E-mail,
- Address (indicated in the profile for registration: country, postcode, city, street, house number, apartment)
- The total amount of the order (including shipping costs and taxes, if included)
- Product Name
- Product code,
- Manufacturer code
This plugin is suitable primarily for businesses that use the basic CRM functionality. The order data plugin places into the lead comment .
Plugin settings
The plugin supports 2 ways to send data to Bitrix24:
- import
- webhook
The simplest way to link Bitrix24 with third-party sites. It
does not require any special knowledge, but limits the variety of
data that can potentially be transferred to CRM.
CRM host
Your Bitrix24 address without https and www
CRM Port
Leave the default value if you have cloud-based CRM and you do not
know what it is.
Import path
Similar to the previous paragraph.
Login Bitrix24
Email The import of leads takes place on behalf of a user who is
designated responsible. Usually, for importing from third-party
sites, it is recommended to create a separate user with limited
rights for security reasons.
Account password for importing leads.
Order Name Prefix
JoomShopping assigns orders to numbers: 000001. The prefix inserts
your phrase in front of this number. For example, "Order No."
Requires creating an incoming webhook in the applications in your Bitrix24. Webhook must be granted lead rights.
Webhook Secret Code
You get it when you create an incoming webhook in your
Assigned id
Responsible Bitrix24 employee by default. Id can be found in the
list of employees.
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